Nurture Your Mind Body & Soul
There is a bigger and more vibrant picture than the one we see. I can’t resist sharing this energy with the wider world, so that everyone can experience the pleasure of its liberation, balance and connectivity.
I am here to help nurture your mind, body and soul, encouraging you to experience your best life yet.
My passion for the power of Reiki allows me to deliver a genuine transformation in my clients’ lives, in any number of ways, not limited to but including;
- Positive shift in mindset
- Healing from emotional blocks
- Healing relationship issues
- Rediscovering the mojo and revitalising their inner energy
- Releasing attachment to anxiety and stress
- Fertility assistance
- Grounding and balance for mental clarity.
I’m Anupa Panjabi – Reiki Master/Teacher
With more than 20 years’ experience in healing and coaching.
A powerful and beautiful journey led me to become a Reiki Master and The OPTIMUM You coach, and with every year I get a better glimpse of the bigger picture. I now use Reiki for my family, friends and myself.
I love sharing the benefits of this healing with you. From raising energy levels to building emotional strength, I am here to help nurture your mind, body and soul, encouraging you to experience your best life yet.
My Qualifications
- 1998 – Attuned in Reiki 1 and 2 (Shiki Ryoho) with Dr Kamal Bhojwani
- 2017 – Attuned as Reiki Master (Shiki Ryoho) with Dr Kamal Bhojwani
- 2018 – Reiki Master Teacher in Shiki Ryoho & Holy Fire Reiki with Miguel Chavez
- 2020 – Reiki Master Teacher in Shiki Ryoho with Dr. Kamal Bhojwani
- I am 10th in lineage from the original Reiki teachings by Master Mikao Usui.
- Member of the UK Reiki Federation
- Qualified NLP practitioner.
My Story
Do you ever find yourself feeling anxious, burnt out or dealing with low self-esteem?
These were some of the challenges I faced before I discovered Reiki in 1998. Feeling burnt out in my career in the fashion industry, despondent for being a female overlooked for a promotion, and being single, I decided to take a sabbatical as I needed some time away to reflect. So, I flew to India where I was introduced to Reiki. I have always believed in the power of natural healing, but it wasn’t until I experienced an intense internal shift and the mental clarity, I realised the powerful healing benefits of Reiki. Upon my return to California, carrying a lighter aura and radiating positive energy, I was offered a new career opportunity in which I thrived!
I’m Anupa Panjabi, a mother of twin boys aged 9, the youngest and only girl of 3 siblings, I’m counting down the months till I turn 50! Born in Kenya, spent my first 11 years in Kuwait, then 2 years in a boarding school in Bangalore until we moved as a family to California in 1986.
Growing up in the US in a tightknit family, I got married, moved across the world to my new home and family. Going through the obstacles of finding myself in a new country and adjusting to a different lifestyle, brought to the surface deep feelings of uncertainty and anxiousness. From high confidence and success to starting my life all over again felt like a major setback. The pressures of blending in with a new family, finding a new career path, making new friends of my own took a toll and left me feeling disconnected from myself. Relying on my own inner-strength and falling back on the self-healing aspects of Reiki, I found my footing. My confidence began to grow once again, and I felt buoyant with energy and re-connected within.
In 2012, due to my high-risk pregnancy with twins, I once again gravitated towards self-healing. Applying the practices of Reiki on myself kept me calm and positive throughout. I continued to use these teachings on my premature babies for their strength and healing. Seeing the remarkable impact of Reiki on myself and my little ones I realised my calling.
I further trained as Reiki master and a Mental Health First Aider and made it my purpose to help others find their happiness and self-worth, better their lives, connect with their inner self and improve their physical and mental health, while managing changes life brings them. As my practice grew, I learnt from working closely with my clients, guiding and supporting them, the significance of breathwork and meditation in self-transformation.
Over the past few years, I have had the opportunity to help many through bereavement, stagnant careers, struggles with infertility, low self-esteem and toxic relationships. With the healing powers of Reiki, breathwork and meditation, they were able to relinquish control, and surrender their stresses and desires to the universe. This journey in dissolving their emotional and mental blocks lead to becoming more positive and thriving individuals, overcoming physical ailments and finding success in their careers and relationships while becoming more in tune of their own mental health.
My passion for assisting people on their own personal journey of self-discovery and blossoming into their better selves keeps me learning and growing in order to give my clients the ultimate experience in their path of transformation and growth.
There is a bigger and more vibrant picture than the one we see: to synchronise the mind, body and soul. I began All in Sync to share this energy with the wider world, so that everyone can experience the pleasure of its liberation, balance and connectivity. The future of All in Sync expands from individual healing to family relationships, creating peaceful and harmonious dynamics. As well as helping family units, I have seen the success of Reiki in improving the conditions of corporate workspaces and boosting productivity through creating a positive inner environment.
All in Sync with Anupa: helping you experience your best life yet!
t: +44 (0) 787 019 0657 | e: